Author vs. Editors Ten Things I…About
Robin Matheson
February 5-6, 2013
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Author vs. Editors Ten Things I…About You! The connection between author and editor remains one of the most unique in business. This workshop will review 10 key factors that can make or break a successful author-editor relationship. Apply the 4 Components of a Business Plan as it relates to authors. Special attention will also be paid to the nitty-gritty behind the 3 levels of the editing process. There will be lots of opportunity for Q&A. Target Audience: Beginner and Intermediate. Length of Workshop: 2 day intensive.
THE PRESENTER: An award winning author, Robin Matheson holds an honors
specialist degree in Classical Civilization and English and a Master of
Education. She’s taught numerous courses at college, overseas and, more
recently, online courses on writing. One of Robin’s greatest passions is
traveling. In addition to their home base, she and her family have also lived
in South East Asia and South Africa. Visit her at
for Members
$20 for Non-Members
$20 for Non-Members
pay via PayPal, please send payment to and make the
subject line WORKSHOP: AUTHORS VS EDITORS. Please be sure the information field
includes the name and email address you will be using for the workshop.
pay via check, please include WORKSHOP: AUTHORS VS EDITORS in the memo area.
Also, please include a note containing the name and email address you will be
using for the workshop.
checks to:
Robin L Rotham, Treasurer
P.O. Box 2412
Norfolk, NE 68702
Robin L Rotham, Treasurer
P.O. Box 2412
Norfolk, NE 68702
to forward granted and encouraged.***
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